NSI Gold Guarding

PrintNSI is an independent, not-for-profit approvals body providing inspection services for the security and fire industries. For over 30 years, NSI has been protecting customers’ interest by insisting on the highest standards and operating the toughest inspection regimes. Guarding Gold is only awarded to a company after rigorous checks have been satisfactorily conducted. Vigilant Security Services, having achieved the NSI Guarding Gold Certification, demonstrates a combination of technical expertise and business excellence that is a pre-requisite of the NSI Guarding Gold approval criteria.

Approved Services:

  • The Provision of Static Site Guarding Services

SIA Accreditation

SIA bigSecurity Industry Authority (SIA) in the Private Security Act 2001 has commissioned the licensing of security officers working within the industry since March 2006. The SIA has set standards of training and professionalism for security companies in order for them to improve the quality of the service they deliver to their customers.

Vigilant Security Services has acquired the SIA Approved Contractor status in its ‘Approved Contractor Scheme’ (ACS) which demonstrates our commitment to the quality of service that we provide to our clients. This means that from our company’s management to security supervisors through to security guards, we have a proven operational and management system in place to satisfy customers’ needs. Vigilant Security Services UK Ltd currently holds SIA approved contractor Scheme (ACS) status for the provision of manned guarding and door supervision services.

Private Security Authority

PSAThe Government of Ireland, through the Private Security Services Act, 2004, established the Private Security Authority. The Authority’s aim is to use the statutory regulation and enforcement powers provided to it to introduce positive, fundamental change in the industry. Its purpose is to instill customer and public confidence in this multi-stranded, multi-faceted business with the introduction, control and management of a comprehensive, standard-driven, licensing system for all individuals and companies involved in the industry and to do so in a manner that is sensitive to the needs of the market.

Vigilant Security Services has acquired the CerticCS Approved Contractor status) which demonstrates our commitment to the quality of service that we provide to our clients. This means that from company’s management to security supervisors through to security guards and door supervisors, we have a proven operational and management system in place to satisfy customers’ needs. Vigilant Security Services holds CerticCS approved contractor status for the provision of security services.

ISO Certification

nsi new logo newsVigilant Security Services has been employing a British Standards-compliant set of procedures since its inception. From employing a security officer to the management of sites and looking after clients’ interests, a robust procedure had been used. Since being awarded our BS EN ISO9001-2000 Certificate, Vigilant now has a comprehensive quality manual to adhere to. This allows us to offer our customers the best possible service and a system through which to improve this service at every level of our organisation.

ISO 14001 & OHSAS 18001

ACM 14001 18001Vigilant Security Services has successfully the achieved high standards certifications for environmental management system and Occupational Health & Safety Management System criteria set out by ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS BS 18001:2007 for the period of three years.

The benefits of using ISO 14001:2004 include minimising cost of waste management, reducing and saving from energy and material consumption, lowering distribution costs and improving company reputation among regulators, customers and the public.

Benefits of BS OHSAS 18001 include creating best possible working conditions, identifying, managing and controlling hazards, reducing workplace accidents and illnesses, engaging and motivating staff with better, and safer working conditions.

Investors in People Standard

Investor In PeopleVigilant Security Services UK Ltd has achieved the Investors in People standard, for going above and beyond in the way it develops, supports and motivates its employees. The Investors in People award provides a framework that helps organisations to improve performance and realise objectives through the effective management and development of the staff. This award puts Vigilant in a distinguished group of the very best employers.

Safe Contractor

safecontractor round RGB 297x300Safe Contractor is an independent organisation that accesses member companies’ Health and Safety arrangements thoroughly before issuing them with a SAFE contractor Certificate. Vigilant Security Services’ Safe Contractor status demonstrates our competency and our strict adherence to Health and Safety policies and procedures. This means that all our security officers, door supervisors and security guards are trained to understand and follow Health and Safety guidelines pointed out by Vigilant Security’s Health and Safety risk assessor.

Our security guards have the ability to identify any Health and Safety issues and report them to the management, thereby enabling the customer to find a solution beforehand.


AchillesVigilant Security Services UK Ltd holds the Achilles Standard, which creates and manages a global network of collaborative industry communities, allowing trading partners to share high quality, structured, real-time data.

Using cloud-based technology and industry expertise, Achilles acts as an independent partner, providing validated data and insightful analytics to enable buyers across a sector to identify and manage risk and suppliers to increase market reach while increasing compliance and minimising costs for the network as a whole.

Achilles’s independent, collaborative and neutral stance sets it apart within the procurement value chain and from other organisations. Achilles is dedicated to becoming the leading global provider of supply chain compliance and risk management systems that help buyers and suppliers reduce time, cost, and risk. Together, these values help develop services for sustainable procurement.


ICOVigilant Security Service UK Ltd is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) which is responsible for regulating and enforcing the access to and use of personal information. The ICO is the UK’s independent authority set up to promote access to official information and to protect personal information.

Contractor Health & Safety Assessment Scheme (CHAS)

Vigilant Security Services has successfully achieved the high standards certifications for Contractor Health & Safety Assessment Scheme (CHAS)

Vigilant Security Services’ CHAS status demonstrates our competency and strict adherence to Health and Safety policies and procedures. This means that all our security officers, door supervisors and security guards are trained to understand and follow Health and Safety guidelines pointed out by Vigilant Security Health and Safety risk assessor.

Our Security guards have the ability to identify any Health and Safety issues and report them to the management, thereby enabling the customer to find a solution beforehand.